Move In
Move In FAQ's
Can i move in a few days early as my current tenancy ends before my new one starts?
Unfortunately you cannot move in before your contract start date. We often have tenants moving out of a property in the days before a new tenancy begins and we require all the time allowed to ensure the property is checked, repairs carried out and cleaned ready for the start of a new tenancy.
If you have no alternative arrangements available, get in touch with us 1 week prior to your contract start and if circumstances allow, we will look to help by allowing early access.
What do I do when I’m ready to move in?
First and foremost, you need to provide us with your move in date using the link below! This is crucial, so that we can ensure the property is checked/ cleaned etc prior to your move in. As soon as we have this date, we can begin to book in necessary maintenance staff and get the property ready for your arrival. If you plan to live in shared accommodation, then communicate with your housemates as to when you plan to move in. By separating your move-in times, you are reducing your interaction with others, whilst also making moving a little easier and less busy.
How do I set up my utilities?
Don’t worry we’ll help you when setting up your bills. We take meter readings on your tenancy start date (which is when you become liable for your bills) and will provide you with all the information you need to set the bills prior to key collection; getting set up is much easier than you think! We’ll even show you how to “shop around” to ensure you’re paying the cheapest tariffs. If you ever need advice during your tenancy then our office staff are here to support you.
How do we set up wifi in a wifi inclusive house?
At Rooms4u we do WIFI a little differently – it’s the only bill that we ask you guys to set up in one of your names. When you have the set up confirmation email, forward it to our office and we’ll arrange to pay you the entire year, in full, upto the amount of £384. Why £384? – we currently have a deal with Virgin media for 12 months super fast Fibre which amounts to this – we recommend this package, but if you decide on another provider that’s fine too. Prior to your move in, we’ll send a reminder email to start setting up your wifi and, if you opt for Virgin, we’ll introduce you to a Virgin rep who makes the set up process incredibly easy
Why do we set up our own wifi in an all inclusive house?
We do this so you have total control of the speed, package and supplier, also, you can call the provider yourself to troubleshoot if you experience technical difficulties – if it’s in our name they won’t speak to you over the phone and the provider will need the person on the phone to be with the router. The fastest way to fix an issue would be to call yourselves and our evening and weekend capabilities will be limited. Giving our tenants this control has proved to be very popular.
How do we set up wifi in a non-inclusive house?
A few weeks before your move-in date we recommend “planning ahead”; start doing your homework on which provider, service and price you’re after, so by your move-in date, your router will be ready and waiting (online comparison sites are perfect for this). All of our properties have live phone lines installed so it’s just a case of arranging your new router to be delivered in time.
Is moving-in day still August 1st?
Yes. We will be working even if this falls on a weekend.
How will we collect the keys?
At present, with Covid-19, this will be done a little differently to normal. We have 2 stations at the front of the office where you can safely collect your keys, get important moving in info from us and be provided with a welcome pack too. The welcome pack will include necessary equipment to protect your health during the pandemic; such as masks and anti- bacterial. Details of this will be sent out on email when arranging your key collection dates.
I think we have to pay some rent in May – but how much needs to be paid and when? Also what months does this cover?
This is the balance of your July payment in advance. You will find the amount due on your PropertyCloud log in where you can also make the payment.
We have rent to pay in August but don’t receive a summer loan – can we pay this in September when our loans arrive?
We deliberately structure our payment schedule to ease pressure on our tenants. We encourage the August payment to be paid in August as to not put too much pressure on you in September – your loan must cover 4 months (Sept-Dec) by adding another month you may leave yourself short for the term. If you are having real difficulties paying in August, and can prove your loan will cover the term + 1 month, then we may make individual exceptions. Get in touch to discuss.
We chose to pay in the contract by student loan does that mean our regular payments are due the same time we receive our student loans?
Yes but you do need to email us a copy of your student loan schedule so that we can match this up. We will email details of this and how to provide your loan information slightly closer to the time.